macro_rules! smart_quote { ( Vars{ $($vars:tt)* }, { $( $tokens:tt )* } ) => { ... }; ( { $( $tokens:tt )* } ) => { ... }; ( Vars{ $($vars:tt)* }, ( $( $tokens:tt )* ) ) => { ... }; ( ( $( $tokens:tt )* ) ) => { ... }; }
Expand description
ide-friendly quasi quotting.
Syntax is simillar to field initialization syntax.
Vars {
b: expr_b,
c: fn_c(),
// is equivalent to
Vars {
a: a,
b: expr_b,
c: fn_c(),
d: d,
Note that Vars{}
is required even if there’s no variable.
As parsers for syntax highligters implement error recovery,
tokens are wrapped in block or paren like { tokens.. }
/ ( tokens.. )
OrigTrait: tr.ident,
SpecializerTrait: tr.ident.new_ident_with(|tr| format!("{}Specializer", tr)),
}, {
impl<T> OrigTrait for T where T: SpecializerTrait {
§Example (no variable)
smart_quote!(Vars{}, {
yield ();