helpers.rsuse proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::__private::Span;
use quote::quote;
use std::ops::Deref;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::token::Comma;
use syn::{
parse_quote, parse_str, Attribute, Block, FnArg, Pat, PatType, PathArguments, ReturnType,
Signature, Type,
pub(super) fn get_mut_signature(signature: Signature) -> Signature {
let mut signature_no_muts = signature;
let mut sig_inputs = Punctuated::new();
for inp in &signature_no_muts.inputs {
let item = match inp {
FnArg::Receiver(_) => inp.clone(),
FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => {
let mut pt = pat_type.clone();
let pat = match_pattern_type(&pat_type);
pt.pat = pat;
signature_no_muts.inputs = sig_inputs;
pub(super) fn match_pattern_type(pat_type: &&PatType) -> Box<Pat> {
match &pat_type.pat.deref() {
Pat::Ident(pat_ident) => {
if pat_ident.mutability.is_some() {
let mut p = pat_ident.clone();
p.mutability = None;
} else {
_ => pat_type.pat.clone(),
pub(super) fn find_value_type(
result: bool,
option: bool,
output: &ReturnType,
output_ty: TokenStream2,
) -> TokenStream2 {
match (result, option) {
(false, false) => output_ty,
(true, true) => panic!("the result and option attributes are mutually exclusive"),
_ => match output.clone() {
ReturnType::Default => {
panic!("function must return something for result or option attributes")
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => {
if let Type::Path(typepath) = *ty {
let segments = typepath.path.segments;
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(brackets) =
let inner_ty = brackets.args.first().unwrap();
quote! {#inner_ty}
} else {
panic!("function return type has no inner type")
} else {
panic!("function return type too complex")
pub(super) fn make_cache_key_type(
key: &Option<String>,
convert: &Option<String>,
ty: &Option<String>,
input_tys: Vec<Type>,
input_names: &Vec<Pat>,
) -> (TokenStream2, TokenStream2) {
match (key, convert, ty) {
(Some(key_str), Some(convert_str), _) => {
let cache_key_ty = parse_str::<Type>(key_str).expect("unable to parse cache key type");
let key_convert_block =
parse_str::<Block>(convert_str).expect("unable to parse key convert block");
(quote! {#cache_key_ty}, quote! {#key_convert_block})
(None, Some(convert_str), Some(_)) => {
let key_convert_block =
parse_str::<Block>(convert_str).expect("unable to parse key convert block");
(quote! {}, quote! {#key_convert_block})
(None, None, _) => (
quote! {(#(#input_tys),*)},
quote! {(#(#input_names.clone()),*)},
(Some(_), None, _) => panic!("key requires convert to be set"),
(None, Some(_), None) => panic!("convert requires key or type to be set"),
pub(super) fn get_input_names(inputs: &Punctuated<FnArg, Comma>) -> Vec<Pat> {
.map(|input| match input {
FnArg::Receiver(_) => panic!("methods (functions taking 'self') are not supported"),
FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => *match_pattern_type(&pat_type),
pub(super) fn fill_in_attributes(attributes: &mut Vec<Attribute>, cache_fn_doc_extra: String) {
if attributes.iter().any(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("doc")) {
attributes.push(parse_quote! { #[doc = ""] });
attributes.push(parse_quote! { #[doc = "# Caching"] });
attributes.push(parse_quote! { #[doc = #cache_fn_doc_extra] });
} else {
attributes.push(parse_quote! { #[doc = #cache_fn_doc_extra] });
pub(super) fn get_input_types(inputs: &Punctuated<FnArg, Comma>) -> Vec<Type> {
.map(|input| match input {
FnArg::Receiver(_) => panic!("methods (functions taking 'self') are not supported"),
FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => *pat_type.ty.clone(),
pub(super) fn get_output_parts(output_ts: &TokenStream) -> Vec<String> {
.filter_map(|tt| match tt {
proc_macro::TokenTree::Ident(ident) => Some(ident.to_string()),
_ => None,
pub(super) fn with_cache_flag_error(output_span: Span, output_type_display: String) -> TokenStream {
"\nWhen specifying `with_cached_flag = true`, \
the return type must be wrapped in `cached::Return<T>`. \n\
The following return types are supported: \n\
| `cached::Return<T>`\n\
| `std::result::Result<cachedReturn<T>, E>`\n\
| `std::option::Option<cachedReturn<T>>`\n\
Found type: {t}.",
t = output_type_display
pub(super) fn gen_return_cache_block(
time: Option<u64>,
return_cache_block: TokenStream2,
) -> TokenStream2 {
if let Some(time) = &time {
quote! {
let (created_sec, result) = result;
if now.duration_since(*created_sec).as_secs() < #time {
} else {
quote! { #return_cache_block }
pub(super) fn check_with_cache_flag(with_cached_flag: bool, output_string: String) -> bool {
&& !output_string.contains("Return")
&& !output_string.contains("cached::Return")