use crate::helpers::*;
use darling::ast::NestedMeta;
use darling::FromMeta;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{
parse_macro_input, parse_str, Block, Expr, ExprClosure, GenericArgument, Ident, ItemFn,
PathArguments, ReturnType, Type,
struct IOMacroArgs {
map_error: String,
disk: bool,
disk_dir: Option<String>,
redis: bool,
cache_prefix_block: Option<String>,
name: Option<String>,
time: Option<u64>,
time_refresh: Option<bool>,
key: Option<String>,
convert: Option<String>,
with_cached_flag: bool,
ty: Option<String>,
create: Option<String>,
sync_to_disk_on_cache_change: Option<bool>,
connection_config: Option<String>,
pub fn io_cached(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let attr_args = match NestedMeta::parse_meta_list(args.into()) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return TokenStream::from(darling::Error::from(e).write_errors());
let args = match IOMacroArgs::from_list(&attr_args) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return TokenStream::from(e.write_errors());
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);
let mut attributes = input.attrs;
let visibility = input.vis;
let signature = input.sig;
let body = input.block;
let fn_ident = signature.ident.clone();
let inputs = signature.inputs.clone();
let output = signature.output.clone();
let asyncness = signature.asyncness;
let input_tys = get_input_types(&inputs);
let input_names = get_input_names(&inputs);
let output_ty = match &output {
ReturnType::Default => quote! {()},
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote! {#ty},
let output_span = output_ty.span();
let output_ts = TokenStream::from(output_ty);
let output_parts = get_output_parts(&output_ts);
let output_string = output_parts.join("::");
let output_type_display = output_ts.to_string().replace(' ', "");
if args.with_cached_flag
&& !output_string.contains("Return")
&& !output_string.contains("cached::Return")
return syn::Error::new(
"\nWhen specifying `with_cached_flag = true`, \
the return type must be wrapped in `cached::Return<T>`. \n\
The following return types are supported: \n\
| `Result<cached::Return<T>, E>`\n\
Found type: {t}.",
t = output_type_display
let cache_value_ty = match output.clone() {
ReturnType::Default => {
"#[io_cached] functions must return `Result`s, found {:?}",
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => {
if let Type::Path(typepath) = *ty {
let segments = typepath.path.segments;
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(brackets) = &segments.last().unwrap().arguments
let inner_ty = brackets.args.first().unwrap();
if output_string.contains("Return") || output_string.contains("cached::Return")
if let GenericArgument::Type(Type::Path(typepath)) = inner_ty {
let segments = &typepath.path.segments;
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(brackets) =
let inner_ty = brackets.args.first().unwrap();
quote! {#inner_ty}
} else {
"#[io_cached] unable to determine cache value type, found {:?}",
} else {
"#[io_cached] unable to determine cache value type, found {:?}",
} else {
quote! {#inner_ty}
} else {
panic!("#[io_cached] functions must return `Result`s")
} else {
"function return type too complex, #[io_cached] functions must return `Result`s"
let cache_ident = match {
Some(ref name) => Ident::new(name, fn_ident.span()),
None => Ident::new(&fn_ident.to_string().to_uppercase(), fn_ident.span()),
let cache_name = cache_ident.to_string();
let (cache_key_ty, key_convert_block) =
make_cache_key_type(&args.key, &args.convert, &args.ty, input_tys, &input_names);
let (cache_ty, cache_create) = match (
) {
(true, false, time, time_refresh, cache_prefix, ty, cache_create, _, _) => {
let cache_ty = match ty {
Some(ty) => {
let ty = parse_str::<Type>(ty).expect("unable to parse cache type");
quote! { #ty }
None => {
if asyncness.is_some() {
quote! { cached::AsyncRedisCache<#cache_key_ty, #cache_value_ty> }
} else {
quote! { cached::RedisCache<#cache_key_ty, #cache_value_ty> }
let cache_create = match cache_create {
Some(cache_create) => {
if time.is_some() || time_refresh.is_some() || cache_prefix.is_some() {
panic!("cannot specify `time`, `time_refresh`, or `cache_prefix` when passing `create block");
} else {
let cache_create = parse_str::<Block>(cache_create.as_ref())
.expect("unable to parse cache create block");
quote! { #cache_create }
None => {
if time.is_none() {
if asyncness.is_some() {
panic!("AsyncRedisCache requires a `time` when `create` block is not specified")
} else {
"RedisCache requires a `time` when `create` block is not specified"
} else {
let cache_prefix = if let Some(cp) = cache_prefix {
} else {
format!(" {{ \"cached::proc_macro::io_cached::{}\" }}", cache_ident)
let cache_prefix = parse_str::<Block>(cache_prefix.as_ref())
.expect("unable to parse cache_prefix_block");
match time_refresh {
Some(time_refresh) => {
if asyncness.is_some() {
quote! { cached::AsyncRedisCache::new(#cache_prefix, #time).set_refresh(#time_refresh).build().await.expect("error constructing AsyncRedisCache in #[io_cached] macro") }
} else {
quote! {
cached::RedisCache::new(#cache_prefix, #time).set_refresh(#time_refresh).build().expect("error constructing RedisCache in #[io_cached] macro")
None => {
if asyncness.is_some() {
quote! { cached::AsyncRedisCache::new(#cache_prefix, #time).build().await.expect("error constructing AsyncRedisCache in #[io_cached] macro") }
} else {
quote! {
cached::RedisCache::new(#cache_prefix, #time).build().expect("error constructing RedisCache in #[io_cached] macro")
(cache_ty, cache_create)
) => {
let cache_ty = match ty {
Some(ty) => {
let ty = parse_str::<Type>(ty).expect("unable to parse cache type");
quote! { #ty }
None => {
quote! { cached::DiskCache<#cache_key_ty, #cache_value_ty> }
let connection_config = match connection_config {
Some(connection_config) => {
let connection_config = parse_str::<Expr>(connection_config)
.expect("unable to parse connection_config block");
Some(quote! { #connection_config })
None => None,
let cache_create = match cache_create {
Some(cache_create) => {
if time.is_some() || time_refresh.is_some() {
"cannot specify `time` or `time_refresh` when passing `create block"
} else {
let cache_create = parse_str::<Block>(cache_create.as_ref())
.expect("unable to parse cache create block");
quote! { #cache_create }
None => {
let create = quote! {
let create = match time {
None => create,
Some(time) => {
quote! {
let create = match time_refresh {
None => create,
Some(time_refresh) => {
quote! {
let create = match sync_to_disk_on_cache_change {
None => create,
Some(sync_to_disk_on_cache_change) => {
quote! {
let create = match connection_config {
None => create,
Some(connection_config) => {
quote! {
let create = match args.disk_dir {
None => create,
Some(disk_dir) => {
quote! { (#create).set_disk_directory(#disk_dir) }
quote! { (#create).build().expect("error constructing DiskCache in #[io_cached] macro") }
(cache_ty, cache_create)
(_, _, time, time_refresh, cache_prefix, ty, cache_create, _, _) => {
let cache_ty = match ty {
Some(ty) => {
let ty = parse_str::<Type>(ty).expect("unable to parse cache type");
quote! { #ty }
None => panic!("#[io_cached] cache `ty` must be specified"),
let cache_create = match cache_create {
Some(cache_create) => {
if time.is_some() || time_refresh.is_some() || cache_prefix.is_some() {
panic!("cannot specify `time`, `time_refresh`, or `cache_prefix` when passing `create block");
} else {
let cache_create = parse_str::<Block>(cache_create.as_ref())
.expect("unable to parse cache create block");
quote! { #cache_create }
None => {
panic!("#[io_cached] cache `create` block must be specified");
(cache_ty, cache_create)
_ => panic!("#[io_cached] cache types cache type could not be determined"),
let map_error = &args.map_error;
let map_error = parse_str::<ExprClosure>(map_error).expect("unable to parse map_error block");
let (set_cache_block, return_cache_block) = {
let (set_cache_block, return_cache_block) = if args.with_cached_flag {
if asyncness.is_some() && !args.disk {
quote! {
if let Ok(result) = &result {
cache.cache_set(key, result.value.clone()).await.map_err(#map_error)?;
} else {
quote! {
if let Ok(result) = &result {
cache.cache_set(key, result.value.clone()).map_err(#map_error)?;
quote! { let mut r = ::cached::Return::new(result.clone()); r.was_cached = true; return Ok(r) },
} else {
if asyncness.is_some() && !args.disk {
quote! {
if let Ok(result) = &result {
cache.cache_set(key, result.clone()).await.map_err(#map_error)?;
} else {
quote! {
if let Ok(result) = &result {
cache.cache_set(key, result.clone()).map_err(#map_error)?;
quote! { return Ok(result.clone()) },
(set_cache_block, return_cache_block)
let do_set_return_block = if asyncness.is_some() {
quote! {
async fn inner(#inputs) #output #body;
let result = inner(#(#input_names),*).await;
let cache = &#cache_ident.get_or_init(init).await;
} else {
quote! {
fn inner(#inputs) #output #body;
let result = inner(#(#input_names),*);
let cache = &#cache_ident;
let signature_no_muts = get_mut_signature(signature);
let prime_fn_ident = Ident::new(&format!("{}_prime_cache", &fn_ident), fn_ident.span());
let mut prime_sig = signature_no_muts.clone();
prime_sig.ident = prime_fn_ident;
let cache_ident_doc = format!("Cached static for the [`{}`] function.", fn_ident);
let prime_fn_indent_doc = format!("Primes the cached function [`{}`].", fn_ident);
let cache_fn_doc_extra = format!(
"This is a cached function that uses the [`{}`] cached static.",
fill_in_attributes(&mut attributes, cache_fn_doc_extra);
let async_trait = if asyncness.is_some() && !args.disk {
quote! {
use cached::IOCachedAsync;
} else {
quote! {
use cached::IOCached;
let async_cache_get_return = if asyncness.is_some() && !args.disk {
quote! {
if let Some(result) = cache.cache_get(&key).await.map_err(#map_error)? {
} else {
quote! {
if let Some(result) = cache.cache_get(&key).map_err(#map_error)? {
let expanded = if asyncness.is_some() {
quote! {
#[doc = #cache_ident_doc]
#visibility static #cache_ident: ::cached::async_sync::OnceCell<#cache_ty> = ::cached::async_sync::OnceCell::const_new();
#visibility #signature_no_muts {
let init = || async { #cache_create };
let key = #key_convert_block;
let cache = &#cache_ident.get_or_init(init).await;
#[doc = #prime_fn_indent_doc]
#visibility #prime_sig {
let init = || async { #cache_create };
let key = #key_convert_block;
} else {
quote! {
#[doc = #cache_ident_doc]
#visibility static #cache_ident: ::cached::once_cell::sync::Lazy<#cache_ty> = ::cached::once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| #cache_create);
#visibility #signature_no_muts {
use cached::IOCached;
let key = #key_convert_block;
let cache = &#cache_ident;
if let Some(result) = cache.cache_get(&key).map_err(#map_error)? {
#[doc = #prime_fn_indent_doc]
#visibility #prime_sig {
use cached::IOCached;
let key = #key_convert_block;