1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
//! Optimized float serializer for hexadecimal floats.
//! This actually works for any case where we can exactly represent
//! any power of the mantissa radix using the exponent base. For example,
//! given a mantissa radix of `16`, and an exponent base of `8`,
//! `16^2` cannot be exactly represented in octal. In short:
//! ⌊log2(r) / log2(b)⌋ == ⌈log2(r) / log2(b)⌉.
//! This gives us the following mantissa radix/exponent base combinations:
//! - 4, 2
//! - 8, 2
//! - 16, 2
//! - 32, 2
//! - 16, 4
#![cfg(feature = "power-of-two")]
use crate::binary::{
use crate::options::Options;
use crate::shared;
use lexical_util::algorithm::rtrim_char_count;
use lexical_util::constants::{FormattedSize, BUFFER_SIZE};
use lexical_util::format::NumberFormat;
use lexical_util::num::{Float, Integer};
use lexical_write_integer::write::WriteInteger;
/// Optimized float-to-string algorithm for hexadecimal strings.
/// This assumes the float is:
/// 1). Non-special (NaN or Infinite).
/// 2). Non-negative.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as the float isn't special (NaN or Infinity), and `bytes`
/// is large enough to hold the significant digits.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the radix for the significant digits is not 16, if
/// the exponent base is not 2, or if the radix for the exponent
/// digits is not 10.
pub unsafe fn write_float<F: Float, const FORMAT: u128>(
float: F,
bytes: &mut [u8],
options: &Options,
) -> usize
<F as Float>::Unsigned: WriteInteger + FormattedSize,
// Assert no special cases remain, no negative numbers,
// and a valid format.
let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
debug_assert!(float >= F::ZERO);
(format.radix(), format.exponent_base()),
(4, 2) | (8, 2) | (16, 2) | (32, 2) | (16, 4)
// Quickly calculate the number of bits we would have written.
// This simulates writing the digits, so we can calculate the
// scientific exponent. Since this number is often constant
// (except for denormal values), and doesn't describe
// the actual shift or digits we use...
// Note:
// Except for denormal floats, this will always
// be `F::MANTISSA_SIZE`, unless we have special
// formatting write control.
let mantissa = float.mantissa();
let radix = format.mantissa_radix();
let (mantissa, mantissa_bits) = truncate_and_round(mantissa, radix, options);
// See if we should use an exponent if the number was represented
// in scientific notation, AKA, `I.FFFF^EEE`. If the exponent is above
// a certain value, then use scientific notation. We therefore have
// to adjust the exponent by the number of mantissa bits, and shift
// by 1 (since a scientific exponent of 0 should have 1 digit ahead).
// This is a binary exp, so we need to how large our
// adjusted exp to the radix is.
// The scientific exponent is always this way: it's the float exponent
// (binary) + mantissa bits (binary) - 1 (for the first bit, binary),
// since 1.0 is scientific exponent 0. We need to check the scientific
// exponent relative to the number of leading or trailing 0s
// it would introduce, that is, scaled to bits/digit. The min exp must
// be less than, and the max must be above 0.
let exp = float.exponent();
let mut sci_exp = exp + mantissa_bits as i32 - 1;
// Normalize the exponent if we have an actual zero.
if mantissa == <F as Float>::Unsigned::ZERO {
sci_exp = 0;
generic => _,
args => mantissa, exp, sci_exp, bytes, options,
/// Write float to string in scientific notation.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as `bytes` is large enough to hold the number of digits
/// and the scientific notation's exponent digits.
/// # Preconditions
/// The mantissa must be truncated and rounded, prior to calling this,
/// based on the number of maximum digits.
pub unsafe fn write_float_scientific<M, const FORMAT: u128>(
mantissa: M,
exp: i32,
sci_exp: i32,
bytes: &mut [u8],
options: &Options,
) -> usize
M: WriteInteger + FormattedSize,
// Just decent size bounds checks to ensure we have a lot of space.
debug_assert!(bytes.len() >= BUFFER_SIZE);
// Config options
let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
let bits_per_digit = fast_log2(format.mantissa_radix());
let bits_per_base = fast_log2(format.exponent_base());
let decimal_point = options.decimal_point();
// Write our value, then trim trailing zeros, before we check the exact
// bounds of the digits, to avoid accidentally choosing too many digits.
// shl is the powers of two we have missing from our exponent that nee
// to be transferred to our significant digits. Since the all mantissa
// radix powers can be **exactly** represented by exponent bases,
// we can just shift this into the mantissa.
let shl = calculate_shl(exp, bits_per_digit);
let value = mantissa << shl;
// SAFETY: safe since the buffer must be larger than `M::FORMATTED_SIZE`.
let digit_count = unsafe {
let count = value.write_mantissa::<M, FORMAT>(&mut index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[1..]));
index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[0] = bytes[1]);
index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[1]) = decimal_point;
let zeros = rtrim_char_count(&index_unchecked!(bytes[2..count + 1]), b'0');
count - zeros
// Extra 1 since we have the decimal point.
let mut cursor = digit_count + 1;
// Determine if we need to add more trailing zeros.
let exact_count = shared::min_exact_digits(digit_count, options);
// Write any trailing digits to the output.
// SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
if !format.no_exponent_without_fraction() && cursor == 2 && options.trim_floats() {
// Need to trim floats from trailing zeros, and we have only a decimal.
cursor -= 1;
} else if exact_count < 2 {
// Need to have at least 1 digit, the trailing `.0`.
unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor]) = b'0' };
cursor += 1;
} else if exact_count > digit_count {
// NOTE: Neither `exact_count >= digit_count >= 2`.
// We need to write `exact_count - (cursor - 1)` digits, since
// cursor includes the decimal point.
let digits_end = exact_count + 1;
// SAFETY: this is safe as long as the buffer was large enough
// to hold `min_significant_digits + 1`.
unsafe {
slice_fill_unchecked!(index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor..digits_end]), b'0');
cursor = digits_end;
// Now, write our scientific notation.
// SAFETY: safe if bytes is large enough to store all digits.
let scaled_sci_exp = scale_sci_exp(sci_exp, bits_per_digit, bits_per_base);
unsafe {
shared::write_exponent::<FORMAT>(bytes, &mut cursor, scaled_sci_exp, options.exponent())
// ---------
/// We need to scale the scientific exponent for writing.
/// This is similar to [binary::scale_sci_exp](crate::binary::scale_sci_exp),
/// however, we need to effectively have the same algorithm with `bits_per_base`
/// instead of `bits_per_digit`. However, `bits_per_base` is smaller, and
/// will not properly floor the values, so we add in an extra step.
pub fn scale_sci_exp(sci_exp: i32, bits_per_digit: i32, bits_per_base: i32) -> i32 {
if sci_exp < 0 {
let neg_sci_exp = sci_exp.wrapping_neg();
let floor = fast_ceildiv(neg_sci_exp, bits_per_digit);
(floor * bits_per_digit / bits_per_base).wrapping_neg()
} else {
let floor = sci_exp / bits_per_digit;
floor * bits_per_digit / bits_per_base