1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
use crate::constants::{BIG_POWERS_10, MAX_I64_SCALE, MAX_PRECISION_U32, U32_MAX};
use crate::decimal::{CalculationResult, Decimal};
use crate::ops::common::Buf24;
pub(crate) fn mul_impl(d1: &Decimal, d2: &Decimal) -> CalculationResult {
if d1.is_zero() || d2.is_zero() {
// We should think about this - does zero need to maintain precision? This treats it like
// an absolute which I think is ok, especially since we have is_zero() functions etc.
return CalculationResult::Ok(Decimal::ZERO);
let mut scale = d1.scale() + d2.scale();
let negative = d1.is_sign_negative() ^ d2.is_sign_negative();
let mut product = Buf24::zero();
// See if we can optimize this calculation depending on whether the hi bits are set
if d1.hi() | d1.mid() == 0 {
if d2.hi() | d2.mid() == 0 {
// We're multiplying two 32 bit integers, so we can take some liberties to optimize this.
let mut low64 = d1.lo() as u64 * d2.lo() as u64;
if scale > MAX_PRECISION_U32 {
// We've exceeded maximum scale so we need to start reducing the precision (aka
// rounding) until we have something that fits.
// If we're too big then we effectively round to zero.
if scale > MAX_PRECISION_U32 + MAX_I64_SCALE {
return CalculationResult::Ok(Decimal::ZERO);
scale -= MAX_PRECISION_U32 + 1;
let mut power = BIG_POWERS_10[scale as usize];
let tmp = low64 / power;
let remainder = low64 - tmp * power;
low64 = tmp;
// Round the result. Since the divisor was a power of 10, it's always even.
power >>= 1;
if remainder >= power && (remainder > power || (low64 as u32 & 1) > 0) {
low64 += 1;
scale = MAX_PRECISION_U32;
// Early exit
return CalculationResult::Ok(Decimal::from_parts(
low64 as u32,
(low64 >> 32) as u32,
// We know that the left hand side is just 32 bits but the right hand side is either
// 64 or 96 bits.
mul_by_32bit_lhs(d1.lo() as u64, d2, &mut product);
} else if d2.mid() | d2.hi() == 0 {
// We know that the right hand side is just 32 bits.
mul_by_32bit_lhs(d2.lo() as u64, d1, &mut product);
} else {
// We know we're not dealing with simple 32 bit operands on either side.
// We compute and accumulate the 9 partial products using long multiplication
// 1: ll * rl
let mut tmp = d1.lo() as u64 * d2.lo() as u64;[0] = tmp as u32;
// 2: ll * rm
let mut tmp2 = (d1.lo() as u64 * d2.mid() as u64).wrapping_add(tmp >> 32);
// 3: lm * rl
tmp = d1.mid() as u64 * d2.lo() as u64;
tmp = tmp.wrapping_add(tmp2);[1] = tmp as u32;
// Detect if carry happened from the wrapping add
if tmp < tmp2 {
tmp2 = (tmp >> 32) | (1u64 << 32);
} else {
tmp2 = tmp >> 32;
// 4: lm * rm
tmp = (d1.mid() as u64 * d2.mid() as u64) + tmp2;
// If the high bit isn't set then we can stop here. Otherwise, we need to continue calculating
// using the high bits.
if (d1.hi() | d2.hi()) > 0 {
// 5. ll * rh
tmp2 = d1.lo() as u64 * d2.hi() as u64;
tmp = tmp.wrapping_add(tmp2);
// Detect if we carried
let mut tmp3 = if tmp < tmp2 { 1 } else { 0 };
// 6. lh * rl
tmp2 = d1.hi() as u64 * d2.lo() as u64;
tmp = tmp.wrapping_add(tmp2);[2] = tmp as u32;
// Detect if we carried
if tmp < tmp2 {
tmp3 += 1;
tmp2 = (tmp3 << 32) | (tmp >> 32);
// 7. lm * rh
tmp = d1.mid() as u64 * d2.hi() as u64;
tmp = tmp.wrapping_add(tmp2);
// Check for carry
tmp3 = if tmp < tmp2 { 1 } else { 0 };
// 8. lh * rm
tmp2 = d1.hi() as u64 * d2.mid() as u64;
tmp = tmp.wrapping_add(tmp2);[3] = tmp as u32;
// Check for carry
if tmp < tmp2 {
tmp3 += 1;
tmp = (tmp3 << 32) | (tmp >> 32);
// 9. lh * rh
product.set_high64(d1.hi() as u64 * d2.hi() as u64 + tmp);
} else {
// We may want to "rescale". This is the case if the mantissa is > 96 bits or if the scale
// exceeds the maximum precision.
let upper_word = product.upper_word();
if upper_word > 2 || scale > MAX_PRECISION_U32 {
scale = if let Some(new_scale) = product.rescale(upper_word, scale) {
} else {
return CalculationResult::Overflow;
fn mul_by_32bit_lhs(d1: u64, d2: &Decimal, product: &mut Buf24) {
let mut tmp = d1 * d2.lo() as u64;[0] = tmp as u32;
tmp = (d1 * d2.mid() as u64).wrapping_add(tmp >> 32);[1] = tmp as u32;
tmp >>= 32;
// If we're multiplying by a 96 bit integer then continue the calculation
if d2.hi() > 0 {
tmp = tmp.wrapping_add(d1 * d2.hi() as u64);
if tmp > U32_MAX {
} else {[2] = tmp as u32;
} else {[2] = tmp as u32;