use atoi::atoi;
use memchr::memrchr;
use sqlx_core::bytes::Bytes;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::message::{BackendMessage, BackendMessageFormat};
pub struct CommandComplete {
/// The command tag. This is usually a single word that identifies which SQL command
/// was completed.
tag: Bytes,
impl BackendMessage for CommandComplete {
const FORMAT: BackendMessageFormat = BackendMessageFormat::CommandComplete;
fn decode_body(bytes: Bytes) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(CommandComplete { tag: bytes })
impl CommandComplete {
/// Returns the number of rows affected.
/// If the command does not return rows (e.g., "CREATE TABLE"), returns 0.
pub fn rows_affected(&self) -> u64 {
// Look backwards for the first SPACE
memrchr(b' ', &self.tag)
// This is either a word or the number of rows affected
.and_then(|i| atoi(&self.tag[(i + 1)..]))
fn test_decode_command_complete_for_insert() {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"INSERT 0 1214\0";
let cc = CommandComplete::decode_body(Bytes::from_static(DATA)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cc.rows_affected(), 1214);
fn test_decode_command_complete_for_begin() {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"BEGIN\0";
let cc = CommandComplete::decode_body(Bytes::from_static(DATA)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cc.rows_affected(), 0);
fn test_decode_command_complete_for_update() {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"UPDATE 5\0";
let cc = CommandComplete::decode_body(Bytes::from_static(DATA)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cc.rows_affected(), 5);
#[cfg(all(test, not(debug_assertions)))]
fn bench_decode_command_complete(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"INSERT 0 1214\0";
b.iter(|| {
let _ = CommandComplete::decode_body(test::black_box(Bytes::from_static(DATA)));
#[cfg(all(test, not(debug_assertions)))]
fn bench_decode_command_complete_rows_affected(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
const DATA: &[u8] = b"INSERT 0 1214\0";
let data = CommandComplete::decode_body(Bytes::from_static(DATA)).unwrap();
b.iter(|| {
let _rows = test::black_box(&data).rows_affected();