date.rsuse std::mem;
use chrono::{NaiveDate, TimeDelta};
use crate::decode::Decode;
use crate::encode::{Encode, IsNull};
use crate::error::BoxDynError;
use crate::types::Type;
use crate::{PgArgumentBuffer, PgHasArrayType, PgTypeInfo, PgValueFormat, PgValueRef, Postgres};
impl Type<Postgres> for NaiveDate {
fn type_info() -> PgTypeInfo {
impl PgHasArrayType for NaiveDate {
fn array_type_info() -> PgTypeInfo {
impl Encode<'_, Postgres> for NaiveDate {
fn encode_by_ref(&self, buf: &mut PgArgumentBuffer) -> Result<IsNull, BoxDynError> {
let days: i32 = (*self - postgres_epoch_date())
.map_err(|_| {
format!("value {self:?} would overflow binary encoding for Postgres DATE")
Encode::<Postgres>::encode(days, buf)
fn size_hint(&self) -> usize {
impl<'r> Decode<'r, Postgres> for NaiveDate {
fn decode(value: PgValueRef<'r>) -> Result<Self, BoxDynError> {
Ok(match value.format() {
PgValueFormat::Binary => {
let days: i32 = Decode::<Postgres>::decode(value)?;
let days = TimeDelta::try_days(days.into())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
unreachable!("BUG: days ({days}) as `i32` multiplied into seconds should not overflow `i64`")
postgres_epoch_date() + days
PgValueFormat::Text => NaiveDate::parse_from_str(value.as_str()?, "%Y-%m-%d")?,
fn postgres_epoch_date() -> NaiveDate {
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2000, 1, 1).expect("expected 2000-01-01 to be a valid NaiveDate")