extern crate proc_macro;
use self::util::ItemImplExt;
use pmutil::{prelude::*, smart_quote};
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use std::iter::once;
use syn::{
parse, parse_quote, punctuated::Punctuated, token::Comma, Arm, Data, DeriveInput, Expr,
ExprLit, ExprMatch, Field, FieldValue, Fields, GenericParam, Generics, Ident, Item, ItemImpl,
Lit, LitStr, Pat, PatLit, Token, Type,
mod util;
enum Mode {
pub fn derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let input = parse::<DeriveInput>(input).expect("failed to parse input as DeriveInput");
let name = input.ident.clone();
let fields = match input.data {
Data::Struct(s) => {
if s.fields.is_empty() {
panic!("StaticMap: failed to detect type because there's no field")
match s.fields {
Fields::Named(named) => named.named,
_ => panic!("StaticMap: failed to detect type because there's no field"),
_ => panic!("StaticMap can only be applied to structs"),
let len = fields.len();
let data_type = fields.first().unwrap().ty.clone();
let (_impl_generics, ty_generics, _where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
let mut tts = TokenStream::new();
let type_name = parse_quote!(#name #ty_generics);
let make = |m: Mode| {
let arr: Punctuated<_, Token![;]> = fields
.map(|f| {
Vars {
name: f.ident.as_ref().unwrap(),
mode: match m {
Mode::Value => quote!(),
Mode::Ref => quote!(&),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(&mut),
value: f.ident.as_ref().unwrap(),
(v.push((stringify!(name), mode self.value)))
Vars {
Type: &name,
T: &data_type,
body: make(Mode::Value),
impl IntoIterator for Type {
type Item = (&'static str, T);
type IntoIter = st_map::arrayvec::IntoIter<(&'static str, T), len>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
let mut v: st_map::arrayvec::ArrayVec<_, len> = Default::default();
.to_tokens(&mut tts);
let mut items = vec![];
&Ident::new(&format!("{name}RefIter"), Span::call_site()),
&Ident::new(&format!("{name}MutIter"), Span::call_site()),
for item in items {
item.to_tokens(&mut tts);
let body = ExprMatch {
attrs: Default::default(),
match_token: Default::default(),
expr: Quote::new_call_site()
.quote_with(smart_quote!(Vars {}, { v }))
brace_token: Default::default(),
arms: fields
.map(|f| {
Arm {
attrs: Default::default(),
pat: Pat::Lit(PatLit {
attrs: Default::default(),
expr: Box::new(Expr::Lit(ExprLit {
attrs: Default::default(),
lit: Lit::Str(LitStr::new(
guard: None,
fat_arrow_token: Default::default(),
body: Quote::new_call_site()
.quote_with(smart_quote!(Vars { variant: &f.ident }, { &self.variant }))
comma: Some(Default::default()),
.quote_with(smart_quote!(Vars {}, {
_ => panic!("Unknown key: {}", v),
Vars {
Type: &name,
T: &data_type,
impl<'a, K: ?Sized + ::std::borrow::Borrow<str>> ::std::ops::Index<&'a K> for Type {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, v: &K) -> &Self::Output {
use std::borrow::Borrow;
let v: &str = v.borrow();
.to_tokens(&mut tts);
input.generics.params.is_empty() || input.generics.params.len() == 1,
"StaticMap should have zero or one generic argument"
let map_fields: Punctuated<_, Token![,]> = fields
.map(|f| {
Vars {
f: f.ident.as_ref().unwrap()
(f: op(stringify!(f), self.f))
let item = if input.generics.params.is_empty() {
Vars {
Type: &name,
T: &data_type,
fields: &map_fields,
impl Type {
pub fn map(self, mut op: impl FnMut(&'static str, T) -> T) -> Type {
Type { fields }
pub fn map_value(self, mut op: impl FnMut(T) -> T) -> Type {
self.map(|_, v| op(v))
} else if match input.generics.params.first().as_ref().unwrap() {
GenericParam::Type(ty) => ty.bounds.is_empty(),
_ => false,
} {
Vars {
Type: &name,
T: &data_type,
fields: &map_fields,
impl<T> Type<T> {
pub fn map<N>(self, mut op: impl FnMut(&'static str, T) -> N) -> Type<N> {
Type { fields }
pub fn map_value<N>(self, mut op: impl FnMut(T) -> N) -> Type<N> {
self.map(|_, v| op(v))
} else {
let bound = match input.generics.params.first().as_ref().unwrap() {
GenericParam::Type(ty) => &ty.bounds,
_ => unimplemented!("Generic parameters other than type parameter"),
Vars {
Type: &name,
T: &data_type,
fields: &map_fields,
Bound: &bound,
impl<T: Bound> Type<T> {
pub fn map<N: Bound>(
mut op: impl FnMut(&'static str, T) -> N,
) -> Type<N> {
Type { fields }
pub fn map_value<N: Bound>(self, mut op: impl FnMut(T) -> N) -> Type<N> {
self.map(|_, v| op(v))
item.to_tokens(&mut tts);
fn make_iterator(
type_name: &Type,
data_type: &Type,
iter_type_name: &Ident,
fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
generic: &Generics,
mode: Mode,
) -> Vec<Item> {
let len = fields.len();
let (impl_generics, _, _) = generic.split_for_impl();
let where_clause = generic.where_clause.clone();
let type_generic = {
let type_generic = generic.params.last();
match type_generic {
Some(GenericParam::Type(t)) => {
let param_name = t.ident.clone();
let bounds = if t.bounds.is_empty() {
} else {
let b = &t.bounds;
quote!(: #b)
match mode {
Mode::Value => quote!(<#param_name #bounds>),
Mode::Ref => quote!(<'a, #param_name #bounds>),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(<'a, #param_name #bounds>),
_ => match mode {
Mode::Value => quote!(),
Mode::Ref => quote!(<'a>),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(<'a>),
let generic_arg_for_method = {
let type_generic = generic.params.last();
match type_generic {
Some(GenericParam::Type(t)) => {
let param_name = t.ident.clone();
_ => quote!(),
let generic = {
let type_generic = generic.params.last();
match type_generic {
Some(GenericParam::Type(t)) => {
let param_name = t.ident.clone();
match mode {
Mode::Value => quote!(<#param_name>),
Mode::Ref => quote!(<'a, #param_name>),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(<'a, #param_name>),
_ => match mode {
Mode::Value => quote!(),
Mode::Ref => quote!(<'a>),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(<'a>),
let lifetime = match mode {
Mode::Value => quote!(),
Mode::Ref => quote!(&'a),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(&'a mut),
let arms = fields
.map(|(idx, f)| {
let pat = idx + 1;
let name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let name_str = name.to_string();
match mode {
Mode::Value => quote!(#pat => Some((#name_str, self.data.#name))),
Mode::Ref => quote!(#pat => Some((#name_str, &self.data.#name))),
Mode::MutRef => quote!(#pat => Some((#name_str, unsafe {
std::mem::transmute::<&mut _, &'a mut _>(&mut self.data.#name)
.collect::<Punctuated<_, Comma>>();
let iter_type = parse_quote!(
pub struct #iter_type_name #type_generic {
cur_index: usize,
data: #lifetime #type_name,
let mut iter_impl: ItemImpl = parse_quote!(
impl #type_generic Iterator for #iter_type_name #generic {
type Item = (&'static str, #lifetime #data_type);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.cur_index += 1;
match self.cur_index {
_ => None
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let len = #len - self.cur_index;
(len, Some(len))
iter_impl.generics.where_clause = where_clause;
let impl_for_method = {
let (recv, method_name) = match mode {
Mode::Value => (quote!(self), quote!(into_iter)),
Mode::Ref => (quote!(&self), quote!(iter)),
Mode::MutRef => (quote!(&mut self), quote!(iter_mut)),
parse_quote! {
impl #impl_generics #type_name {
pub fn #method_name(#recv) -> #iter_type_name #generic_arg_for_method {
#iter_type_name {
cur_index: 0,
data: self,
vec![iter_type, Item::Impl(iter_impl), impl_for_method]