use swc_atoms::js_word;
use swc_ecma_ast::*;
/// We want to use React.createElement, even in the case of
/// jsx, for <div {...props} key={key} /> to distinguish it
/// from <div key={key} {...props} />. This is an intermediary
/// step while we deprecate key spread from props. Afterwards,
/// we will stop using createElement in the transform.
pub(super) fn should_use_create_element(attrs: &[JSXAttrOrSpread]) -> bool {
let mut seen_prop_spread = false;
for attr in attrs {
if seen_prop_spread
&& match attr {
JSXAttrOrSpread::JSXAttr(attr) => match &attr.name {
JSXAttrName::Ident(i) => i.sym == js_word!("key"),
JSXAttrName::JSXNamespacedName(_) => false,
_ => false,
return true;
if let JSXAttrOrSpread::SpreadElement(_) = attr {
seen_prop_spread = true;