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//! A simple utility for getting the size of a terminal.
//! Supports both Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
//! This crate requires a minimum rust version of 1.31.0 (2018-12-06)
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use terminal_size::{Width, Height, terminal_size};
//! let size = terminal_size();
//! if let Some((Width(w), Height(h))) = size {
//! println!("Your terminal is {} cols wide and {} lines tall", w, h);
//! } else {
//! println!("Unable to get terminal size");
//! }
//! ```
pub struct Width(pub u16);
pub struct Height(pub u16);
mod unix;
pub use crate::unix::{terminal_size, terminal_size_using_fd};
mod windows;
pub use crate::windows::{terminal_size, terminal_size_using_handle};
#[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
pub fn terminal_size() -> Option<(Width, Height)> { None }