
Function wrap_columns

pub fn wrap_columns<'a, Opt>(
    text: &str,
    columns: usize,
    total_width_or_options: Opt,
    left_gap: &str,
    middle_gap: &str,
    right_gap: &str,
) -> Vec<String>
where Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
Expand description

Wrap text into columns with a given total width.

The left_gap, middle_gap and right_gap arguments specify the strings to insert before, between, and after the columns. The total width of all columns and all gaps is specified using the total_width_or_options argument. This argument can simply be an integer if you want to use default settings when wrapping, or it can be a Options value if you want to customize the wrapping.

If the columns are narrow, it is recommended to set Options::break_words to true to prevent words from protruding into the margins.

The per-column width is computed like this:

let inner_width = options.width
    - textwrap::core::display_width(left_gap)
    - textwrap::core::display_width(right_gap)
    - textwrap::core::display_width(middle_gap) * (columns - 1);
let column_width = inner_width / columns;

The text is wrapped using wrap and the given options argument, but the width is overwritten to the computed column_width.


Panics if columns is zero.


use textwrap::wrap_columns;

let text = "\
This is an example text, which is wrapped into three columns. \
Notice how the final column can be shorter than the others.";

#[cfg(feature = "smawk")]
assert_eq!(wrap_columns(text, 3, 50, "| ", " | ", " |"),
           vec!["| This is       | into three    | column can be  |",
                "| an example    | columns.      | shorter than   |",
                "| text, which   | Notice how    | the others.    |",
                "| is wrapped    | the final     |                |"]);

// Without the `smawk` feature, the middle column is a little more uneven:
#[cfg(not(feature = "smawk"))]
assert_eq!(wrap_columns(text, 3, 50, "| ", " | ", " |"),
           vec!["| This is an    | three         | column can be  |",
                "| example text, | columns.      | shorter than   |",
                "| which is      | Notice how    | the others.    |",
                "| wrapped into  | the final     |                |"]);