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Kuchiki (朽木), a HTML/XML tree manipulation library for Rust.
- Node iterators
- This module re-exports a number of traits that are useful when using Kuchiki. It can be used with:
- The non-identifying parts of an attribute
- Convenience wrapper around a btreemap that adds method for attributes in the null namespace.
- Data specific to doctype nodes.
- Data specific to document nodes.
- Data specific to element nodes.
- A node inside a DOM-like tree.
- Holds a strong reference to a node, but dereferences to some component inside of it.
- A strong reference to a node.
- Options for the HTML parser.
- A pre-compiled CSS Selector.
- A pre-compiled list of CSS Selectors.
- Receives new tree nodes during parsing.
- The specificity of a selector.
- Node data specific to the node type.
- Parse an HTML fragment with html5ever and the default configuration.
- Parse an HTML document with html5ever and the default configuration.
- Parse an HTML document with html5ever with custom configuration.